Back to Lot and his incestuous rolls in the hay, it could be the power of S&G beer that holds the answer.
Back to Lot and his incestuous rolls in the hay, it could be the power of S&G beer that holds the answer.
As far as the quality of the seasons, I rank them in chronological order, essentially. However, Lithgow played the best villain to date.
I agree with you entirely.
Thank you, palmtree67.
No, leavingwt, I think it was an eloquent, if not deliciously shocking, way to solve the problem of Rita and leave things hanging until the debut of Season 5. Many Dexter fans, myself included, were growing weary of Rita's character and were expressing themselves accordingly on several websites and blogs. She had to go, so she went.
I like Judges 19: 23-26 better, NewChapter.
The story of Lot and the Sodomites is eerily echoed in chapter 19 of the book of Judges, where an unnamed Levite (priest) was travelling with his concubine in Gibeah. They spent the night in the house of a hospitable old man. While they were eating their supper, the men of the city came and beat on the door, demanding that the old man should hand over his male guest 'so that we may know him'. In almost exactly the same words as Lot, the old man said: 'Nay, my brethren, nay, I pray you, do not so wickedly; seeing that this man is come into mine house do not this folly. Behold, here is my daughter a maiden, and his concubine; them I will bring out now, and humble ye them, and do with them what seemeth good unto you; but unto this man do not so vile a thing' (Judges 19: 23-4). Again, the misogynistic ethos comes through, loud and clear. I find the phrase 'humble ye them' particularly chilling. Enjoy yourselves by humiliating and raping my daughter and this priest's concubine, but show a proper respect for my guest who is, after all, male. In spite of the similarity between the two stories, the denouement was less happy for the Levite's concubine than for Lot's daughters.
The Levite handed her over to the mob, who gang-raped her all night: 'They knew her and abused her all the night until the morning: and whenthe day began to spring, they let her go. Then came the woman in the dawning of the day, and fell down at the door of the man's house where her lord was, till it was light' (Judges 19: 25-6). In the morning, the Levite found his concubine lying prostrate on the doorstep and said - with what we today might see as callous abruptness - 'Up, and let us be going.' But she didn't move. She was dead. So he 'took a knife, and laid hold on his concubine, and divided her, together with her bones, into twelve pieces, and sent her into all the coasts of Israel'. (Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion.)
Lion Cask - Lots daughters get him drunk so they can have sex with him... there is a reason they had to get him drunk first. He would have been unwilling otherwise.
He didn't get so drunk that he didn't get aroused. Twice. Regardless, the morality lesson is dubious at best.
Back to Dexter, Episode 8, Season 5 blows. Cole (Dexter and Lumen's target) breaks down the door to the hotel room they've got all decked out in plastic. The door and door frame shatter and wood splinters fly everywhere - but nobody notices, allowing the dynamic duo to kill and dismember Cole without being disturbed. Bzzzzt. Then they take the body parts out to sea, per usual, and dump them overboard, per usual. Except this time there's this private dick named Liddy who has this super duper telephoto lens that's so powerful that he can get closeup pictures of the dump from shore. Bzzzzt.
The season was not a good one.
Think about Sodom and Gomorrha (sp) All the men, from old man to young boy demanded to have sex with angels. It was pointed out in WT, that the "young boys" was evidence of child molestation, cuz young boys aren't prone to demanding sex with grown men. So their destruction was WARRANTED, this was a horrible place.
yeah, great story. So Lot says to the hoard outside, Hey guys, please don't try to bugger my guests. Gang rape my virgin daughters instead. Luckily, the guests use their magical powers and strike the would-be buggerers blind. That'll teach them. But Lot and his family still have to hightail it out of Dodge because the fire and brimstone's coming. Don't look back, 'though, says God. But Lot's wife, being the curious woman she is, has to sneek a peek and Shazam! God turns her into a hunk of salt. Mess with Me, willya? says God. So, anyway, Lot and what's left of his family - the two virgin girls he was offering up to the horny crowd - camp out in the wilderness, Lot gets into his cups and screws one of his daughters, getting her pregnant. He must have thought that was ok because he does a repeat performance with the other daughter the next night. Such a wonderful, delightful, family-oriented morality lesson. It makes Dexter look righteous by comparison.
To borrow a line from Groundhog Day (seems appropriate) .... Hey, morons, your bus is leaving.
top ten differences between mormons and jehovahs witnesses.
10. mormons abstain from coffee.
The Mormons are far more generous than the Witnesses. They will welcome you into one of their 4,500 Family History Centers around the world or their Family History Library in Salt Lake City and give you practically unfettered access to the world's largest collection of genealogical microfilms and use of their equipment either free of charge or for the same small amounts they charge their own members. And they will do this without asking you to share the information you've collected or even once trying to get you to see their brand of the truth. Not even a hint of it. Not even a suggestion you take home a pamphlet or two. I have taken advantage of this generosity many times and have never once been put into an obliging position.